Hatch Digitizing Level 3 Certification


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Level 3 Certification Lesson: This is an ‘Optional Certification’ lesson that will implement everything learned in Level 3.

Important: This lesson is no longer available for purchase individually. To help you save and because most embroiderers purchase all of Level 3 anyways, it’s now bundled in Level 3 of our Digitizer’s Dream Course. If you’re new to our site, you can enroll in our Free Embroidery Digitizing 101 Course.

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Level 3 Certification Lesson: This is an ‘Optional Certification’ lesson that will implement everything learned in Level 3. In our Level 3 Certification you will digitize an artistic merit design using fills in different directions and densities. Blending and variegation effects will be implement to promote depth in what originally is a very “flat” piece of artwork. You will implement underlay techniques to avoid separation of opposing stitch types and finish off the design with a satin stitch border to promote clean edges.
Once you’re done you will upload your finished file and I will personally critique the file.

Please note: Send in your finished certification design by emailing the finished design file in your software brand’s format to: getcertified@embroiderylegacy.com.  Please include your first and last name, your software brand and the level which you’ve completed in the email subject. For example: John Deer Hatch Level 3 Certification.
