PE/Palette Digitizing Level 3 Lesson 1


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This lesson will begin with covering all the theory behind a fill stitch and will lay a foundation for the next lessons to come.

Important: This lesson is no longer available for purchase individually. To help you save and because most embroiderers purchase all of Level 3 anyways, it’s now bundled in Level 3 of our Digitizer’s Dream Course. If you’re new to our site, you can enroll in our Free Embroidery Digitizing 101 Course.

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Welcome to the first Lesson for the final Level 3 of this interactive series. This lesson will begin with covering all the theory behind a fill stitch.

Because fill stitches are primarily used to cover large areas the principles of underlay, stitch direction, density and especially stitch length play a big part in creating soft designs.

The principles of underlay values change base on material types and if a fill is standing alone or being outlined. Stitch direction plays a part in the objects staying true to its intended shape. Properly understanding how the density and stitch length properties affect the finish results will surprise you.

This lesson will lay a foundation for the next lessons to come.
