Digitizing Level 2 Lesson 2 Perla Premium


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In lesson 2 of level 2 we are going to unlock the mystery of why things change from screen to machine! Your embroidered designs can look so perfect on your computer screen… And then end up sewing out terribly on your embroidery machine. Digitizers quickly learn the rule… “What you see, isn’t what you get”‘ when it comes to embroidery. The key is understanding push and compensation, it will ensure you get positive results, minimize editing and the need to run multiple samples.

Important: This lesson is no longer available for purchase individually. To help you save and because most embroiderers purchase all of Level 2 anyways, it’s now bundled in Level 2 of our Digitizer’s Dream Course. If you’re new to our site, you can enroll in our Free Embroidery Digitizing 101 Course.

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In lesson 2 of level 2 we are going to unlock the mystery of why things change from screen to machine! Your embroidered designs can look so perfect on your computer screen… And then end up sewing out terribly on your embroidery machine. Digitizers quickly learn the rule… “What you see, isn’t what you get”‘ when it comes to embroidery. The key is understanding push and compensation, it will ensure you get positive results, minimize editing and the need to run multiple samples.

We’ll also reveal how using underlay properly in conjunction with push and pull compensation will assist in visually making your designs look perfect when they stitch out.

Together we will complete practical exercises that will drive home these techniques.  I consider this to be one of the most important lessons in this entire series.

The run time on this video is approximately 25 minutes depending on the software. Because these are interactive lessons, the user will be following along, pausing and playing thru the process of digitizing the exercises. You can expect the time spent completing all the exercises within this and all our lessons will undoubtedly take many hours. Please keep in mind that there are many factors which will determine how fast each individual is, remember this is not a race.
